Questions People Ask About Our Weight Loss Program
Many of our patients have questions about our non surgical weight loss plan, and many of these questions are the same from patient to patient. We’ve compiled our top most frequently asked questions about our best weight loss program and the answers provided by our weight loss doctor. If you have any questions not listed here or want to schedule a weight loss consultation, please give our weight loss clinic a call at (214) 888-8986.
How Does the Medication Work?
The key to this doctor approved medication is peptides. These peptides signal to your brain that you are full. Increasing the level of these peptides in the body, means you’ll feel fuller after eating less. No need for a weight loss prescription or other weight loss products in most cases.
Why is the Program So Affordable?
While medical weight loss results aren’t instant, patients feel satiated by the medication almost instantly and they become hooked to being able to eat less without feeling hungry, encouraging them to continue the program. Initially, we’ll start you off at a quarter of a dose, then a half, and then we will eventually bump you up to a full dosage. You won’t feel as much of the effect the first couple of weeks at the quarter dose as you will on the higher doses, but you will feel it right away. Many patients feel less hungry and fuller quicker as early as the next day.
How Do You Customize the Program for Each Patient?
The protein in the medication is going to affect your satiety, telling your brain you are full. The protein is the workhorse. The protein segment goes to your brain, specifically your hippocampus, and causes you to feel full. When you are on this program, you’ll notice yourself eating less. For example, you may go to a steakhouse and order a steak and feel full after a few bites when before you used to eat the whole steak and still want more.
What are the Side Effects?
The first two weeks I always tell patients to anticipate maybe just a couple of episodes of some loose stool which is very mild and normal. Some patients very rarely will have a little bit of nausea. The medicine is a simple protein called a peptide. All the side effects have to do with gastric, but there are far fewer side effects than those from a typical prescription like Phentermine or Adipex.
What Determines How Fast People Lose Weight?
The higher the body mass index is and the larger amount of fat there is, the more rapidly they lose weight. The common denominator is weight and body mass index. This is the key to how quickly and consistently you’ll lose weight with the doctor prescribed weight loss plan.
Who Qualifies for this Weight Loss Program?
Almost everyone qualifies for this program. The only restrictions for qualifications are you must not have had thyroid cancer in the past. There is also a very rare form of abdominal cancer called multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 (MEN1) which will also disqualify you from the program. The third condition which will disqualify you is pancreatitis, but of all the patients I’ve worked with I’ve not had a single patient disqualified because of MEN1 or thyroid cancer.
Will I Get the Nutrition I need in My Diet?
Yes, I’ve never had a weight reduction medicine that I had to say, “You got to take a multivitamin, you’re going to lose too much weight.” Some patients will have to take a multivitamin to avoid vitamin deficiencies but they are not undernourishing themselves. Instead, they’re bringing themselves down to the natural portion size for their bodies.
What Have the Results Been with Your Patients?
I think every doctor has patients that stand out. I myself still have some patients that when I think of them I get chills and the hairs on my neck stand up. However, one of the most memorable patients I had was a young mother—a single struggling single mother—who had kids and had recently been evicted from her home. With all the challenges she was facing and the struggle of being a single mother she had gained weight and was around 415 pounds. She went on to find great success with out program and loss a tremendous amount of weight.
How Profound is the New Medicine?
This new medicine is so profound that the patients take the medicine and they don’t feel hungry. The number one thing that causes people to fall off the wagon is their hunger. They re fighting a natural urge to eat. Many find themselves ordering a nice, big steak from a steakhouse and then pushing themselves away from it—not with this medication. You can’t out-eat this medication. When you order that steak while taking our medicine, the profoundness of the medication is that you’re going to take a couple of bites of steak and feel full.
How Has the Medication Helped You Personally?
My personal experience with this medication is what started the whole process. I moved into a new practice and began working with a top weight loss doctor, who had nudged and gently hinted that I had become overweight and was trying to encourage me to lose weight. He was nice and trim, but he produced a picture and showed me that he had been morbidly obese before and began to share with me research on peptides.
Using the medication has helped me with my own weight loss. I’ve lost 42 pounds to date, and actually, I’d never tried medication before, but the results were so profound that I knew I had to share this. I began to introduce the weight loss services to more patients, now I am sitting north of 900 patients now benefiting from doctor supervised weight loss.
Schedule a Weight Loss Consultation
Your journey to a more energetic and healthier you starts with a call. In just a few minutes, our dedicated staff will do a quick pre-screening, answer any questions or address concerns, and set a consultation that best works for your schedule.
Your first meeting will cover your current medical condition and goals. Our specialists will design a treatment plan tailored to your needs and wants. The Grapevine weight-loss facility is here for you, so call us today at (214) 888-8986 to get started on your path to a new quality of life that’s sustainable!